Tractor Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to create a Tractor Operator that understands the following:

  • Drivers responsibilities
  • Owners responsibilites
  • Maintenance requirements
  • Attaching and Operating implements
  • Driving and reversing with trailers
  • Driving on both flat and undulating ground

The training is delivered by experienced trainers, to meet the requirements of Department of Labour and the Accident Compensation Corperation.

The workshop can cover some or all of the following unit standards:

  • 19044; Demonstrate Knowledge of the Legal Requirements and Occupational Hazards Associated With Tractor Use.
  • 24538; Demonstrate Knowledge of the Dynamics of a Tractor & Implements of both 2WD & 4WD Tractors.
  • 24552; Check and Drive a Basic Wheeled Tractor with an Attached Implement on Flat Terrain (0 - 15 degrees)
  • 24536; Drive a 2WD Tractor with an Attached Implement on Undulating Terrain (15 - 35 degrees)
  • 24537; Drive a 4WD Tractor with an Attached Implement on Undulating Terrain (15 - 35 degrees)
  • 24539; Maintain and Use a Power Take Off (PTO) Implement Attached to a Tractor

The unit standards that a trainee or employer elects to have covered are entirely up to them, but unit standards 19044 and 24552 are pre-requisits for all other units.

Programs can be delived to suit individual client needs and requirements, either at your place of work, or we can provide a training venue.


Tractor training duration

1 to 2 days. Depends on the Unit Standards selected, and the experience of the trainees.


Class 1 (car licence) for the operation of a tractor up to 4,500kgs, or the class that fits the weight range of the tractor that you intend to be assessed operating.